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Publications 1974-1979 |
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Publications from the James R. Macdonald Laboratory 1974-1979 =============================================================================== 1 1974 X-Ray Emission from Foil-Excited Sulphur Beams C.L. Cocke, B. Curnutte, and R. Randall Phys. Rev. A 9, 1823 (1974) 2 1974 Lifetime of the 2s_{1/2} State in Hydrogenlike Fluorine and Oxygen C.L. Cocke, B. Curnutte, J.R. Macdonald, J.A. Bednar, and R. Marrus Phys. Rev. A 9, 2242 (1974) 3 1974 Observation of Stark Beats in the H-Like K X rays of Oxygen and Fluorine P. Richard, C.L. Cocke, S.J. Czuchlewski, K.A. Jamison, R.L. Kauffman, and C.W. Woods Phys. Lett. 47A, 355 (1974) 4 1974 K X-Ray Transitions in One- and Two-Electron Oxygen and Fluorine Projectiles Produced in Helium, Neon, and Argon Targets Forrest Hopkins, Robert L. Kauffman, C.W. Woods, and Patrick Richard Phys. Rev. A 9, 2413 (1974) 5 1974 Observation of K X Rays from Highly Ionized States of Neon Produced by 40-MeV Cl^{+7}, Cl^{+11}, and Cl^{+13} Beams M.D. Brown, J.R. Macdonald, Patrick Richard, J.R. Mowat, and I.A. Sellin Phys. Rev. A 9, 1470 (1974) 6 1974 Low Lying Levels in ^{124}Sb D.O. Elliott, F.F. Hopkins, G.W. Phillips, and P. Richard Z. Physik 269, 89 (1974) 7 1974 Role of Screening in Multiple Ionization Robert L. Kauffman, C.W. Woods, K.A. Jamison, and Patrick Richard J. Phys. B: Atom. Molec. Phys. 7, L335 (1974) 8 1974 Capture of Argon K-Shell Electrons by 2.5- to 12-MeV Protons James R. Macdonald, C.L. Cocke, and W.W. Eidson Phys. Rev. Lett. 32, 648 (1974) 9 1974 K X-Ray Emission from 20- to 36-MeV Fluorine Projectiles Following Electron Capture to Excited States M.D. Brown, L.D. Ellsworth, J.A. Guffey, T. Chiao, E.W. Pettus, L.M. Winters, and J.R. Macdonald Phys. Rev. A 10, 1255 (1974) 10 1974 Resonances in ^{12}C + ^{13}C D.J. Crozier and J.C. Legg Phys. Rev. Lett. 33, 782 (1974) 11 1974 Direct Extraction of a ^{12}C^{-} Beam from a Diode Ion Source John S. Eck and Donald O. Elliott Nucl. Instrum. and Methods 121, 411 (1974) 12 1974 Analog Resonances and Possible T_{>} Mixing in ^{77}Br J.W. Gray and J.C. Legg Phys. Rev. C 10, 2577 (1974) 13 1974 Total Cross Sections for the ^{19}F(^{13}C, ^{12}C)^{20}F and ^{23}Na(^{13}C, ^{12}C)^{24}Na Reactions H. Laumer and G.G. Seaman Phys. Rev. C 10, 2159 (1974) 14 1974 Ne K Auger Cross Sections from 1.5 MeV/amu H, O and F C.W. Woods, Robert L. Kauffman, K.A. Jamison, C.L. Cocke, and Patrick Richard J. Phys. B: Atom. Molec. Phys. 7, L474 (1974) 15 1974 Multiplet Effects in High Resolution Ne K{alpha} Structure L. Kauffman, C.W. Woods, K.A. Jamison, and P. Richard Phys. Lett. 50A, 117 (1974) 16 1974 Charge-State Dependence of the Ne K Fluorescence Yield Deduced from High-Resolution Emission Spectra N. Stolterfoht, D. Schneider, P. Richard, and R.L. Kauffman Phys. Rev. Lett. 33, 1418 (1974) 17 1975 K{alpha} Satellite X Rays in Al, Sc, and Ti Following Bromine-Ion Bombardment K.A. Jamison, C.W. Woods, Robert L. Kauffman, and Patrick Richard Phys. Rev. A 11, 505 (1974) 18 1975 The Proton Optical-Model Potential Near the Coulomb Barrier J.S. Eck and W.J. Thompson Nucl. Phys. A237, 83 (1975) 19 1975 Argon and Krypton X-Ray Production by Fluorine Projectiles of Differenct Charge States Stephen J. Czuchlewski, James R. Macdonald, and Louis D. Ellsworth Phys. Rev. A 11, 1108 (1975) 20 1975 Relative Multiple Ionization Cross Sections of Neon by Projectiles in the 1-2-MeV/amu Energy Range Robert L. Kauffman, C.W. Woods, K.A. Jamison, and Patrick Richard Phys. Rev. A 11, 872 (1975) 21 1975 Back-Angle Anomalies in Alpha Scattering: Inelastic Scattering from the Calcium Isotopes W. Trombik, K.A. Eberhard, and J.S. Eck Phys. Rev. C 11, 685 (1975) 22 1975 Anisotrophy of Characteristic K-shell X Rays from Heavy-Ion-Atom Collisions E. Horsdal Pedersen, Stephen J. Czuchlewski, Matt D. Brown, Louis D. Ellsworth, and James R. Macdonald Phys. Rev. A 11, 1267 (1975) 23 1975 Ne K-Shell Vacancy Production by Intermediate Energy F Ions C.W. Woods, Robert L. Kauffman, K.A. Jamison, N. Stolterfoht, amd Patrick Richard J. Phys. B: Atom. Molec. Phys. 8, L61 (1975) 24 1975 Polarization Fractions of K X-Rays Emitted by Fast Fluorine Ions Incident in Different Charge States on Helium S.J. Czuchlewski, L.D. Ellsworth, J.A. Guffey, E. Horsdal Pedersen, E. Salzborn, and J.R. Macdonald Phys. Lett. 51A, 309 (1975) 25 1975 Trace-Element Analysis by X-Ray Fluorescence with an External Proton Beam G.G. Seaman and K.C. Shane Nucl. Instrum. and Methods 126, 473 (1975) 26 1975 Optical-Model and Coupled-Channels Calculations in Quantum-Mechanical Scattering Samuel D. Doyle, John S. Eck, W.J. Thompson, and O.L. Weaver Am. J. of Phys. 43, 677 (1975) 27 1975 The Determination by X-Ray Observation of Bromine and Zinc Levels in Untreated Wheat Flour R.A. Martin, G.G. Seaman, and A. Ward Cereal Chemistry 52, 138 (1975) 28 1975 Neon K Fluorescence Yields for N^{Q+}-Induced Collisions Forrest Hopkins, C.W. Woods, Robert L. Kauffman, K.A. Jamison, and Patrick Richard J. Phys. B: Atom. Molec. Phys. 8, L319 (1975) 29 1975 K-Shell Auger-Electron Hypersatellites of Ne C.W. Woods, Robert L. Kauffman, K.A. Jamison, N. Stolterfoht, and Patrick Richard Phys. Rev. A 12, 1393 (1975) 30 1975 Relative Multiple Ionization Cross Sections of Neon by Oxygen Ions C.P. Bhalla Phys. Lett. 54A, 249 (1975) 31 1975 X Rays from Foil-Excited Iodine Beams C.L. Cocke, S.L Varghese, J.A. Bednar, C.P. Bhalla, B. Curnutte, R. Kauffman, R. Randall, P. Richard, and C. Woods Phys. Rev. A 12, 2413 (1975) 32 1975 Radiative Electron Rearrangement: A Proposed Description for Low-Energy Satellites Observed in Ion-Atom Collisions K.A. Jamison, J.M. Hall, and Patrick Richard J. Phys. B: Atom. Molec. Phys. 8, L458 (1975) 33 1975 Raman-Scattering Study of Ion-Implantation-Produced Damage in Cu_{2}O D. Powell, A. Compaan, J.R. Mcdonald, and R.A. Forman Phys. Rev. B 12, 20 (1975) 34 1975 Enhancement of Radiative Electron Rearrangement in Si by He^{+} Bombardment J. Oltjen, R.L. Kauffman, C.W. Woods, J.M. Hall, K.A. Jamison, and P. Richard Phys. Lett. 55A, 184 (1975) 35 1976 Glauber Cross Sections for Inner-Shell Ionization in Multielectron Targets by Electron Impact J.E. Golden and J.H. McGuire Phys. Rev. A 13, 1012 (1976) 36 1976 Projectile Charge Dependence of the Ionization of Atomic Hydrogen by Alpha Particles and Protons using the Glauber Approximation J.E. Golden and J.H. McGuire J. Phys. B: Atom. Molec. Phys. 9, L11 (1976) 37 1976 K-Shell X-Ray Production Cross Sections for ^{12}C, ^{14}N, and ^{16}O Ions on Ni, Rb, Ag, and Sb: 0.4-2.4 MeV/amu Tom J. Gray, Patrick Richard, Robert L. Kauffman, T.C. Holloway, R.K. Gardner, G.M. Light, and J. Guertin Phys. Rev. A 13, 1344 (1976) 38 1975 Radiative Auger Effect on Ion-Atom Collisions P. Richard, J. Oltjen, K.A. Jamison, R.L. Kauffman, C.W. Woods, and J.M. Hall Phys. Lett. 54A, 169 (1975) 39 1975 Systematics of Backward-Angle Elastic Alpha Scattering John S. Eck, W.J. Thompson, K.A. Eberhard, J. Schiele, and W. Trombik Nucl. Phys. A255, 157 (1975) 40 1975 Camparison of One and Two-Neutron Transfer Near the Coulomb Barrier for the ^{27}Al(^{18}O, ^{16}O)^{29}Al, ^{27}Al(^{18}O, ^{17}O)^{28}Al and ^{27}Al(^{13}C, ^{12}C)^{28}Al Reactions S.A. Schiller and J.S. Eck Z. Physik A 275, 255 (1975) 41 1975 Optical-Model Analysis of N + C and C + C Elastic Scattering John S. Eck, J.H. Johnson, D.O. Elliott, and W.J. Thompson Phys. Rev. Lett. 35, 973 (1975) 42 1976 Single-Electron Born Approximations for Charge Transfer from Multielectron Atoms to Protons K. Omidvar, J.E. Golden, J.H. McGuire, and L. Weaver Phys. Rev. A 13, 500 (1976) 43 1976 K-Shell Auger-Electron Production Cross Sections from Ion Bombardment C.W. Woods, Robert L. Kauffman, K.A. Jamison, N. Stolterfoht, and Patrick Richard Phys. Rev. A 13, 1358 (1976) 44 1976 Differential Cross Sections for Electron Capture from Argon by 6-MeV Protons C.L. Cocke, J.R. Macdonald, B. Curnutte, S.L. Varghese, and R. Randall Phys. Rev. Lett. 36, 782 (1976) 45 1976 Energy Loss of Low-Energy ^{40}Ca Ions in Carbon K.C. Shane, H. Laumer, and G.G. Seaman J. of Applied Phys. 47, 2286 (1976) 46 1976 Heavy-Ion-Produced High-Resolution Si-K-X-Ray Spectra from a Gas and Solid Robert L. Kauffman, K.A. Jamison, Tom J. Gray, and Patrick Richard Phys. Rev. Lett. 36, 1074 (1976) 47 1976 Origin of Two-Electron, One-Photon K-X-Ray Transitions T. Aberg, K.A. Jamison, and Patrick Richard Phys. Rev. Lett. 37, 63 (1976) 48 1976 Relativistic Contributions to Transition Energies in NiI and CuI Isoelectronic Sequences C.P. Bhalla, C.L. Cocke, and S.L. Varghese Beam-Foil Spectroscopy 1, 111 (1976) 49 1976 Lifetimes and Fluorescence Yields of Three-Electron Ions C.P. Bhalla and A.H. Gabriel Beam-Foil Spectroscopy 1, 121 (1976) 50 1976 X-Rays from Foil-Excited Beams at Tandem Energies C.L. Cocke Beam-Foil Spectroscopy 1, 283 (1976) 51 1976 Mossbauer Effect Studies of Fe(phen)_{2}(NCBH_{3})_{2} - A Spin Triplet S. Yeh, K.F. Purcell, and J.S. Eck Phys. Lett. 57A, 80 (1976) 52 1976 Effects of Relaxation and Continuum Interaction on the Neon KLL Auger Spectrum G. Howat, T. Aberg, and O. Goscinski International Conference on the Physics of X-Ray Spectra, National Bureau of Standards, p. 35, August 1976 53 1976 Target K X-ray Production for Heavy Ions Moving in Thin Solid Films Tom J. Gray, Patrick Richard, R.K. Gardner, K.A. Jamison, and J.M. Hall International Conference on the Physics of X-Ray Spectra, National Bureau of Standards, p. 272, August 1976 54 1976 Multielectron Transitions in K X-Ray Spectra of Ion-Atom Collisions T. Aberg International Conference on the Physics of X-Ray Spectra, National Bureau of Standards, p. 171, August 1976 55 1976 Theoretical X-Ray and Autoionization Rates for Four-Electron Ions with 2s^{n}2p^{m} Configurations M. Ahmed, S.C. Soong, and C.P. Bhalla International Conference on the Physics of X-Ray Spectra, National Bureau of Standards, p. 46, August 1976 56 1976 Role of Residual K-Shell Vacancies in Solid Target X-Ray Cross Sections Tom J. Gray, Patrick Richard, K.A. Jamison, J.M. Hall, and R.K. Gardner Phys. Rev. A 14, 1333 (1976) 57 1976 Single-Photon Two-Electron Rearrangement Transitions K.A. Jamison, J.M. Hall, J. Oltjen, C.W. Woods, Robert L. Kauffman, Tom J. Gray, and Patrick Richard Phys. Rev. A 14, 937 (1976) 58 1976 Experimental Impact-Parameter-Dependent Probabilities for K-Shell Vacancy Production by Fast Heavy-Ion Projectiles R.R. Randall, J.A. Bednar, B. Curnutte, and C.L. Cocke Phys. Rev. A 13, 204 (1976) 59 1976 Charge Dependence of K X-Ray Production in Nearly Symmetric Collisions of Highly Ionized S and Cl Ions in Gases J.R. Macdonald, M.D. Brown, S.J. Czuchlewski, L.M. Winters, R. Laubert, I.A. Sellin, and J.R. Mowat Phys. Rev. A 14, 1997 (1976) 60 1976 Impact-Parameter Dependence of K-Vacancy Production in Chlorine-Argon Collisions C.L. Cocke, R.R. Randall, S.L. Varghese, and B. Curnutte Phys. Rev. A 14, 2026 (1976) 61 1977 Theory of Two-Electron Rearrangement K X-Ray Transitions T. Aberg, K.A. Jamison, and Patrick Richard Phys. Rev. A 15, 172 (1977) 62 1977 Dissipative Forces and Quantum Mechanics John S. Eck and W.J. Thompson Am. J. of Phys. 45, 161 (1977) 63 1977 Cross Sections for Atomic K-Shell Ionization by Ion Impact in the Single-Particle Glauber Approximation J.E. Golden and J.H. McGuire Phys. Rev. A 15, 499 (1977) 64 1977 Differential Energy-Loss Cross Sections for Ionization of Atomic Hydrogen by 25-200-keV Protons J.T. Park, J.E. Aldag, J.M. George, J.L. Peacher, and J.H. McGuire Phys. Rev. A 15, 508 (1977) 65 1977 Polarization of Target K X-Rays K.A. Jamison and Patrick Richard Phys. Rev. Lett. 38, 484 (1977) 66 1977 Effect of Interchannel Interaction on the Neon KLL Auger Transition Rates G. Howat, T. Aberg, O. Goscinski, S.C. Soong, C.P. Bhalla, and M. Ahmed Phys. Lett. 60A, 404 (1977) 67 1977 Angular-Distribution Measurements of K X-Ray Emission by 1-MeV/amu Ions with 6{<_}Z{<_}9 following Electron Capture from Helium Louis D. Ellsworth, James A. Guffey, Erhard Salzborn, and James R. Macdonald Phys. Rev. A 15, 1438 (1977) 68 1977 X-Ray Cross Sections in Helium for Electron Capture to Excited States by Bare Nuclei with 5{<=}Z_{1}{<=}9 J.A. Guffey, L.D. Ellsworth, and J.R. Macdonald Phys. Rev. A 15, 1863 (1977) 69 1977 Potential and Charge Deformations in Light Nuclei W.J. Thompson and J.S. Eck Phys. Lett. 67B, 151 (1977) 70 1977 Electron Rearrangement in K X-Ray Spectra and Target Thickness Dependence of X-Ray Production Patrick Richard Proceedings from Fourth Conference (1976) on Scientific and Industrial Applications of Small Accelerators, p. 293, (1976) 71 1977 Target Thickness Dependence of Cu K X-Ray Production for Ions moving in Thin Solid Cu Targets R.K. Gardner, Tom J. Gray, Patrick Richard, Carl Schmiedekamp, K.A. Jamison, and J.M. Hall Phys. Rev. A 15, 2202 (1977) 72 1977 Ag L-shell X-Ray Production for Heavy Ions in Thin Solid Targets U. Schiebel, T.J. Gray, R.K. Gardner, and P. Richard J. Phys. B: Atom. Molec. Phys. 10, 2198 (1977) 73 1977 Magnetic Isomers on Iron(II). Bis (C-cyanotrihydroborate)bis(phenanthroline)iron - A Spin Triplet Keith F. Purcell, Sam Mingjave Yeh, and John S. Eck Inorganic Chemistry 16, 1708 (1977) 74 1977 Independent Electron Approximation for Atomic Scattering by Heavy Particles J.H. McGuire and L. Weaver Phys. Rev. A 16, 41 (1977) 1977 Fluorescence Yields for Multiply Ionized Ions C.P. Bhalla Proceedings from Fourth Conference (1976) on Scientific and Industrial Applications of Small Accelerators, p. 149, (1977) 75 1977 Role of K-shell Vacancies in Determining Charge-State Fractions for Heavy Ions Emerging from Solids Tom J. Gray, C.L. Cocke, and R.K. Gardner Phys. Rev. A 16, 1907 (1977) 76 1977 Static Brinkman-Kramers Approximation: Differential Cross Sections for Charge Transfer S.R. Rogers and J.H. McGuire J. Phys. B: Atom. Molec. Phys. 10, L497 (1977) 77 1977 Experimental Differential Cross Section for Electron Capture from Helium by 293 keV Protons T.R. Bratton, C.L. Cocke, and J.R. Macdonald J. Phys. B: Atom. Molec. Phys. 10, L517 (1977) 78 1977 Nuclear Shapes of ^{24}Mg and ^{28}Si by Inelastic Scattering of ^{12}C and ^{16,18}O John S. Eck, D.O. Elliott, W.J. Thompson, and F. Todd Baker Phys. Rev. C 16, 1020 (1977) 79 1977 Projectile K X Rays from Si^{12+} Ions in the 1s2s^{3}S_{1} Metastable State Incident on Helium Gas U. Schiebel, B.L. Doyle, J.R. Macdonald, and L.D. Ellsworth Phys. Rev. A 16, 1089 (1977) 80 1977 Generalized Coulomb-Projected Born-Approximation Cross Sections for Atomic Excitation by Charged-Particle Impact P.R. Simony, J.H. McGuire, J.E. Golden, and B.R. Junker Phys. Rev. A 16, 1401 (1977) 81 1977 Low Energy Elastic Scattering from ^{28}Si Targets using Projectiles with 9{<_}A{<_}18 J.S. Eck, T.J. Gray, and R.K. Gardner Phys. Rev. C 16, 1873 (1977) 82 1978 An Absolute Measurement of the Probability for 1s{sigma} and 2p{sigma} Excitation of the Lead K Shell James R. Macdonald, P. Armbruster, H.H. Behncke, F. Folkmann, S. Hagmann, D. Liesen, P.H. Mokler, and A. Warczak Z. Physik A 284, 57 (1978) 83 1977 K-Shell Capture by Protons from O_{2}, N_{2}, and Ne C.L. Cocke, R.K. Gardner, B. Curnutte, T. Bratton, and T.K. Saylor Phys. Rev. A 16, 2248 (1977) 84 1978 Charge-State Dependence of the Mean K-Shell Fluorescence Yields of Si^{q+} Ions B.L. Doyle, U. Schiebel, J.R. Macdonald, and L.D. Ellsworth Phys. Rev. A 17, 523 (1978) 85 1978 Ar K X-Ray Production Cross Sections in Collisions with Highly Ionized Cu at 50-70 MeV U. Schiebel and B.L. Doyle Z. Physik A 285, 241 (1978) 86 1978 Production and Sharing of Double K Vacancies Observed by X-Ray - X-Ray Coincidences J.R. Macdonald, R. Schule, R. Schuch, H. Schmidt-Bocking, and D. Liesen Phys. Rev. Lett. 40, 1330 (1978) 87 1978 Nonstatistical Population of Magnetic Substates of the (1s^{-1}2_{p}^{-1})^{1}P_{1} State in Al K.A. Jamison, Patrick Richard, Forrest Hopkins, and Dennis L. Matthews Phys. Rev. A 17, 1642 (1978) 88 1978 Two-State Atomic Expansion Methods for Electron Capture from Multielectron Atoms by Fast Protons C.D. Lin, S.C. Soong, and L.N. Tunnell Phys. Rev. A 17, 1646 (1978) 89 1978 Electron Capture for Ion-Atom Collisions at Intermediate Energies C.D. Lin J. Phys. B: Atom. Molec. Phys. 11, L185 (1978) 90 1978 Theoretical Lifetimes and Line Fluorescence Yields of 1s2p^{2} ^{4}P Levels T.W. Tunnell and C.P. Bhalla Phys. Lett. 67A, 119 (1978) 91 1978 Mechanisms of K-Vacancy Production Determined from the Impact-Parameter Dependence of K X-Ray Production in 1.4-MeV/amu Kr + Ge Collisions D. Liesen, J.R. Macdonald, P. Mokler, and A. Warczak Phys. Rev. A 17, 897 (1978) 92 1978 Efficient, High-Spectra-Resolution Bragg Crystal X-Ray Polarimeter B.L. Doyle, U. Schiebel, L.D. Ellsworth, and James R. Macdonald Rev. Sci. Instrum. 49, 760 (1978) 93 1978 Experimental Differentiation between Electron Excitation and Electron Capture by One Electron (F^{8+}) Ions in He H. Tawara, Patrick Richard, K.A. Jamison, and Tom J. Gray J. Phys. B: Atom. Molec. Phys. 11, L615 (1978) 94 1978 Gamma Decays of 2.97-MeV Doublet in ^{20}F J.C. Legg, D.J. Crozier, G.G. Seaman, and H.T. Fortune Phys. Rev. C 18, 2202 (1978) 95 1978 Differential Cross Sections for Electron Capture in Fast Proton-Multielectron-Atom Collisions C.D. Lin and S.C. Soong Phys. Rev. A 18, 499 (1978) 96 1978 Double-K-Vacancy Sharing in Near-Symmetry Collisions Patrick Richard, J.M. Hall, C. Schmiedekamp, and K.A. Jamison Phys. Rev. A 18, 940 (1978) 97 1978 Si K-Shell Ionization and Electron Transfer Cross Sections: Solid Targets H. Tawara, Patrick Richard, Tom J. Gray, J. Newcomb, K.A. Jamison, C. Schmiedekamp, and J.M. Hall Phys. Rev. A 18, 1373 (1978) 98 1978 Electron Capture from Atomic Hydrogen into Excited n,l Levels of Projectiles with Z_{1}{>_}1 J.E. Golden, J.H. McGuire, and K. Omidvar Phys. Rev. A 18, 2373 (1978) 99 1978 Cross Sections for K-Shell Ionization, X-Ray Production, or Auger-Electron Production by Ion Impact R.K. Gradner and Tom J. Gray Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 21, 515 (1978) 100 1978 Projectile Dependence of Single-K Multiple-L Shell Vacancy Production in Argon: A Universal Scaling ofCarl Schmiedekamp, B.L. Doyle, Tom J. Gray, R.K. Gardner, K.A. Jamison, and Patrick Richard Phys. Rev. A 18, 1892 (1978) 101 1978 Polarization of a Two-electron, One-Photon K X-Ray Transition K.A. Jamison, J. Newcomb, J.M. Hall, C. Schmiedekamp, and Patrick Richard Phys. Rev. Lett. 41, 1112 (1978) 102 1978 Coulomb Excitation Mossbauer Effect Investigation of Proton Induced Radiation Damage to 310 Stainless Steel J.N. Wickberg and J.S. Eck Radiation Effects 38, 83 (1978) 103 1978 Charge State Dependence of Characteristic X-Ray Emission under Single Collision Conditions for 1.4 MeV/amu Cu Ions A. Warczak, D. Liesen, J.R. Macdonald, and P.H. Mokler Z. Physik 285, 235 (1978) 104 1979 Production of Highly Charged Low-Velocity Recoil Ions by Heavy-Ion Bombardment of Rare-Gas Targets C.L. Cocke Phys. Rev. A 20, 749 (1979) 105 1979 Subshell Electron Capture Cross Sections of Argon Atoms by Protons C.D. Lin and L.N. Tunnell J. Phys. B: Atom. Molec. Phys. 12, L485 (1979) 106 1979 Contribution of the Magnetic Dipole Transition in the Be Isoelectronic Sequence T.W. Tunnell and C.P. Bhalla Phys. Lett. 72A, 19 (1979) 107 1979 Impact-Parameter Dependence of K-Vacancy Production in Cu^{q+}-Kr Collisions S. Hagmann, C.L. Cocke, E. Justiniano, J.R. Macdonald, and H. Schmidt-Bocking J. Phys. B: Atom. Molec. Phys. 12, L395 (1979) 108 1979 Probabilities for 2s-2p Excitation Ion-Atom Collisions J.H. McGuire, D.J. Land, J.G. Brennan, and G. Basbas Phys. Rev. A 19, 2180 (1979) 109 1979 Target and Projectile Cross Sections for F Ions on Ti, C, Cr, Fe, and Co: 1.7 MeV/amu Ann Schmiedekamp, Tom J. Gray, B.L. Doyle, and U. Schiebel Phys. Rev. A 19, 2167 (1979) 110 1979 Inner-Shell-Electron Capture by H^{+}, He^{2+}, and Li^{3+} Projectiles from CH_{4}, Ne, and Ar M. Rodbro, E. Horsdal Pedersen, and C.L. Cocke Phys. Rev. A 19, 1936 (1979) 111 1979 Cu K X-Ray Production as a Function of Projectile Atomic Number, Energy, and Incident Charge State R.K. Gardner, Tom J. Gray, Patrick Richard, Carl Schmiedekamp, K.A. Jamison, and J.M. Hall Phys. Rev. A 19, 1896 (1979) 112 1979 Comparison of K-Shell Ionization Cross Sections of Si in Solid and Gas Targets for F^{q+} + Si Collisions (q=4-9) at 1 and 2 MeV/amu H. Tawara, Patrick Richard, Tom J. Gray, P. Pepmiller, J.R. Macdonald, and R. Dillingham Phys. Rev. A 19, 2131 (1979) 113 1979 Double K-Shell Electron Capture for Ion-Atom Collisions at Intermediate Energies C.D. Lin Phys. Rev. A 19, 1510 (1979) 114 1979 Theoretical Lifetimes and Fluorescence Yields for Multiply-Ionized Fluorine T.W. Tunnell, C. Can, and C.P. Bhalla IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science NS-26, 1124 (1979) 115 1979 Role of Relativistic Effects and Configuration Mixing on the 1s2s3p^{4}P (J=5/2) State of Argon T.W. Tunnell, C. Can, and C.P. Bhalla IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science NS-26, 1121 (1979) 116 1979 Impact-Parameter Dependence of K-Vacancy Production in Cu-Ni Collisions C.H. Annett, B. Curnutte, and C.L. Cocke Phys. Rev. A 19, 1038 (1979) 117 1979 p-State Alignment of One- and Two-Electron Oxygen Ions Excited by Collisions in Helium L.D. Ellsworth, B.L. Doyle, U. Schiebel, and James R. Macdonald Phys. Rev. A 19, 943 (1979) 118 1979 X-Ray Production and Electron Transfer Cross Sections for 0.4-2.2 MeV/amu N, O, and F Ions on Al Tom J. Gray, Patrick Richard, Glenn Gealy, Joal Newcomb, and H. Tawara IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science NS-26, 1127 (1979) 119 1978 X-Ray Emission in Heavy Ion Collisions James R. Macdonald Proceedings of the International Conference on X-Ray and XUV Spectroscopy, Sendai, 1978, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 17, 86 (1978) 120 1978 Quasi-Molecular Binding Corrections to the Two-State Atomic Expansion Method for Electron Capture at Low Energies C.D. Lin J. Phys. B: Atom. Molec. Phys. 11, L595 (1978) 121 1979 Internal Resonance Raman Scattering of Characteristic Target K X Rays in Thick Silicon Targets James M. Hall, K.A. Jamison, O.L Weaver, Patrick Richard, and T. Aberg Phys. Rev. A 19, 568 (1979) 122 1979 On a Scaling of Electron Capture by Fully Ionized Heavy Ions in Light Gas Targets at Low MeV Energies H. Tawara Phys. Lett. 71A, 208 (1979) 123 1979 Al K X-Ray Production for Incident ^{16}O Ions: The Influence of Target Thickness Effects on Observed Target X-Ray Yields Tom J. Gray, Patrick Richard, Glenn Gealy, and Joal Newcomb Phys. Rev. A 19, 1424 (1979)
Last updated on Friday, 12-Aug-2005. |
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