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Publications 1994-1997 |
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JRM publications 1994-1997 ====================================================================================================== 1. "Angular Distribution of d Electrons Emitted in Collisions of 1.0-MeV/u Fq+ (q=4,6,8,9) with Molecular Hydrogen" C. Liao, P. Richard, S. R. Grabbe, C. P. Bhalla, T.J.M. Zouros, and S. Hagmann Phys. Rev. A 50, 1328 (1994). 2. "Evidence for Population of Highly Asymmetric States in Double-Electron Capture by O7,8+ and N7+ Colliding with He at Low to Intermediate Velocities" W. Wu. J. P. Giese, Z. Chen, R. Ali, C. L. Cocke, P. Richard, and Martin Stockli Phys. Rev. A 50, 502 (1994). 3. "Electron Capture from Elliptic Rydberg States" M.F.V. Lundsgaard, N. Toshima, Z. Chen, and C. D. Lin J. Phys. B: 27, L611 (1994). 4. "Charge Exchange and Electron Emission in Slow Collisions of Highly Charged Ions with C60" Uwe Thumm J. Phys. B: 27, 3515 (1994). 5. "Methods for Measuring Mean Lifetimes of Long Lived Molecular Ions Formed in Fast Collisions" I. Gertner, B. Rosner, and I. Ben-Itzhak Nucl. Instrum. & Methods B94, 47 (1994). 6. "Charge State Equilibration Length of a Highly Charged Ion Inside a Carbon Solid" R. Herrmann, C. L. Cocke, J. Ullrich, S. Hagmann, M. Stockli, and H. Schmidt-Bocking Phys. Rev. A 50, 1435 (1994). 7. "Scaling of Single Ionization Cross Sections of Molecules with the Charge of Fast Projectiles" Vidhya Krishnamurthi, I. Ben-Itzhak, K. D. Carnes, and B. M. Barnes J. Phys. B 27, L489 (1994). 8. "Relationship Between the Born and Impulse Approximations for the Antiscreening Process" E. C. Montenegro and T.J.M. Zouros Phys. Rev. A 50, 3186 (1994). 9. "Excitation and Ionization of H(2s) by Proton Impact" Z. Chen, B. D. Esry, C. D. Lin, and R. D. Piacentini J. Phys. B 27, 2511 (1994). 10. "Scaling of Mean Lifetimes of Metastable Molecular States with Angular-Momentum and Vibrational Quantum Numbers" I. Ben-Itzhak, Z. Chen, and C. D. Lin Phys. Rev. A 51, 2619 (1995). 11. "Energy-Transfer Processes During Xe30+-Ar Collisions for Projectile Velocities Between 0.3 and 1.0 a.u." M.L.A. Raphaelian, M. P. Stockli, W. Wu, and C. L. Cocke Phys. Rev. A 51, 1304 (1995). 12. "Kinetic-Energy Release in CO Dissociation Caused by Fast F4+ Impact" I. Ben-Itzhak, S. G. Ginther, Vidhya Krishnamurthi, and K. D. Carnes Phys. Rev. A 51, 391 (1995). 13. "Nanometer-size Surface Features Produced by Single, Low Energy, Highly-Charged Ions" D. C. Parks, R. Bastasz, R. W. Schmieder, and M. Stockli J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B13 (3), 941 (1995). 14. "Electron Capture in K+ Ion Collisions with Na(4d)" M.F.V. Lundsgaard, Z. Chen, and C. D. Lin J. Phys. B: 28, 859 (1995). 15. "L-Subshell Vacancy production of Fast Argon Ions in Solids" Y. Zou, Y. Awaya, C. P. Bhalla, T. Kambara, Y. Kanai, M. Oura, Y. Nakai, K. Ando, A. Kitachi, and S. Kravis Nucl. Instrum. & Methods 99, 1 (1995). 16. "Search for Inelastic Electrons Scattered Off Ions in Energetic Ion-Atom Collisions" T.J.M. Zouros, C. Liao, S. Hagmann, G. Toth, E. C. Montenegro, P. Richard, and E. P. Benis Nucl. Instrum. & Methods 98, 371 (1995). 17. "Two-Electron Excitation to Rydberg Levels in Fast I6+" C. Liao, S. Hagmann, T.J.M. Zouros, E. C. Montenegro, G. Toth, P. Richard, S. Grabbe, and C. P. Bhalla Nucl. Instrum. & Methods 98, 324 (1995). 18. "Diffraction Structures in Binary Encounter Electron Spectra: A Dominant Feature for Projectiles Above Cl and a Tool to Study the Ionization Mechanism" C. Liao, S. Hagmann, C. P. Bhalla, S. Grabbe, P. Richard, and H. Schmidt-Böcking Nucl. Instrum. & Methods 98, 347 (1995). 19. "Single Capture and Transfer Ionization in Collisions of Clq+ Projectile Ions Incident on Helium" K. L. Wong, W. Wu, E. C. Montenegro, I. Ben-Itzhak, C. L. Cocke, J. P. Giese, and P. Richard Nucl. Instrum. & Methods 99, 72 (1995). 20. "One and Two Electron Processes in Fast Collisions Between Protons and Hydrogen Molecules" I. Ben-Itzhak, Vidhya Krishnamurthi, K. D. Carnes, H. Aliabadi, H. Knudsen, and U. Mikkelsen Nucl. Instrum. & Methods 99, 104 (1995). 21. "A Method for Measuring Mean Lifetimes of Short-Lived (nanosecond region) Molecular Ions Formed in Fast Collision" I. Ben-Itzhak, J. P. Bouhnik, I. Gertner, O. Heber, and B. Rosner Nucl. Instrum. & Methods 99, 127 (1995). 22. "Recoil Longitudinal Momentum and Q-Value Measurements in Electron-Capture Processes of Fast Multiply Charged Ions Colliding with He" W. Wu, K. L. Wong, C. L. Cocke, J. P. Giese, and E. C. Montenegro Phys. Rev. A 51, 3718 (1995). 23. "Differential Cross Sections for the Electron-Impact Excitation of Hydrogenlike Carbon" C. P. Bhalla, S. R. Grabbe, and A. K. Bhatia Phys. Rev. A 52, 2109 (1995). 24. "Multiple-Electron Ionization, Capture, and Loss by 19-MeV Fq+ (q=2-9) in Collisions with Ne and Ar," O. Heber, G. Sampoll, B. B. Bandong, R. J. Maurer, R. L. Watson, I. Ben-Itzhak, J. M. Sanders, J. L. Shinpaugh, and P. Richard Phys. Rev. A 52, 4578 (1995) 25. "Identification of Very Low Energy Projectile Autoionizing Transitions in High Velocity Collisions Using Zero-Degree Auger Electron Spectroscopy" T.J.M. Zouros, G. Toth, C. Liao, E. C. Montenegro, S. Hagmann, P. Richard, S. Grabbe, C. P. Bhalla, and K. L. Wong Nucl. Instrum. & Methods 99, 27 (1995). 26. "Recoil Momentum Dynamics for the Antiscreening Process" E. C. Montenegro, W. Wu, K. L. Wong, and C. L. Cocke Nucl. Instrum. & Methods 99, 62 (1995). 27. "Electron Transfer and Emission in Slow Collisions of N5+ with C60" Uwe Thumm J. Phys. B 28, 91 (1995) 28. "Observation of Direct Ionization of He by Highly Charged Ions at Low Velocity" W. Wu, C. L. Cocke, J. P. Giese, F. Melchert, M.L.A. Raphaelian and M. Stockli Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 1054 (1995) 29. "Inner-Shell Vacancy Distribution in Energetic Ar Ions by Penetration in Solids" Y. Zou, Y. Awaya, C. P. Bhalla, T. Kambara, Y. Kanai, M. Oura, Y. Nakai, K. Ando, A. Hitachi, and S. Kravis Phys. Rev. A 51, 3790 (1995) 30. "Target-Electronic-Structure Dependence in Highly-Charged Ion C60 Collisions" U. Thumm, T. Bastug, and B. Fricke Phys. Rev. A 52, 2955 (1995) 31. "Absolute Cross Sections for Charge Capture from Rydberg Targets by Slow Highly Charged Ions" B. D. DePaola, M.-T Huang, S. Winecki, M. P. Stockli, Y. Kanai, S. R. Lundeen, C. W. Fehrenbach, and S. A. Arko Phys. Rev. A 52, 2136 (1995) 32. "Experimental Determination of the Compton Profile of C60 through Binary Encounter Electron Spectroscopy" B. D. DePaola, R. Parameswaran, B. P. Walch, M. D. Troike, P. Richard, M. J. Puska, and R. M. Nieminen J. Chem. Phys. 103 (24), 22 (1995) 33. "Isotopic Effect of the Mean Lifetimes of the NeAr2+ Doubly Charged Rare-Gas Dimer" I. Ben-Itzhak, J. P. Bouhnik, Z. Chen, I. Gertner, C. Heinenmann, W. Koch, C. D. Lin, and B. Rosner Phys. Rev. A 52, R3401 (1995) 34. "Binary Encounter Electron Production at Relativistic Velocities" B. D. DePaola, Y. Kanai, P. Richard, Y. Nakai, T. Kambara, T. M. Kojima, and Y. Awaya J. Phys. B 28, 4283 (1995) 35. "Dielectronic Satellite Spectra for High-Lying Resonance States of Hydrogen-like Iron and Nickel" K. R. Karim and C. P. Bhalla J. Phys. B 28, 5229 (1995) 36. "Theory of Longitudinal Recoil-Ion Momentum Distribution in Ion-Atom Ionization" V. D. Rodriguez, Y. D. Wang, and C. D. Lin Phys. Rev. A 52, R9 (1995) 37. "Longitudinal Momentum Distributions in Ionization of Helium by Fast, Highly Charged Projectiles" V. D. Rodriguez, Y. D. Wang, and C. D. Lin J. Phys. B 28, L471 (1995) 38. "On the Convergence of the Two-Centre AO Close-Coupling Method in Ion-Atom Collisions" Jiyun Kuang and C. D. Lin J. Phys. B 29, 1207 (1996) 39. "Inclusive Multi-Channel Measurement of the Impact-Parameter Distribution in Collisions of Swift Heavy Ions with He" K. L. Wong, W. Wu, E. C. Montenegro, I. Ben-Itzhak, C. L. Cocke, J. P. Giese, and P. Richard J. Phys. B 29, L209 (1996) 40. "Dependence of Electron Loss Cross Section on the Alignment and Orientation of Elliptic Rydberg States" M.F.V. Lundsgaard, N. Toshima, and C. D. Lin J. Phys. B 29, 1045 (1996) 41. "Improvements on the KSU-CRYEBIS: A Facility for Low-Energy, Highly Charged Ions" M. P. Stockli, P. E. Gibson, C. L. Cocke, B. D. DePaola, D. Fry, S. Kravis, D. Parks, P. Richard, T. N. Tipping, B. Walch, and S. Winecki Rev. Sci. Instrum. 67 (2), 1162 (1996) 42. "Measurements of Recoil and Projectile Momentum Distributions for 19-MeV F9+ + Ne Collisions" V. Frohne, S. Cheng, R. M. Ali, M.L.A. Raphaelian, C. L. Cocke, and R. Olson Phys. Rev. A 53, 2407 (1996) 43. "Dielectronic Satellite Spectra of Hydrogenlike Ca, Ti, and Cr" K. R. Karim, M. Suesink, and C. P. Bhalla J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 55, 431 (1996) 44. "O Binary Encounter Electron Production in 30-MeV Oq+ + H2, He, O2, Ne, and Ar Collisions" T.J.M. Zouros, K. L. Wong, S. Grabbe, H. I. Hidmi, P. Richard, E. C. Montenegro, J. M. Sanders, C. Liao, S. Hagmann, and C. P. Bhalla Phys. Rev. A 53, 2272 (1996) 45. "Measurement of the Ratio of LIII/LI Ionization of Yb by Heavy Ions of Impact Energy 0.5-3.0 MeV amu-1" T. J. Gray and N. B. Malhi J. Phys. B 29, 1331 (1996) 46. "Analysis of Final State Momentum Distributions of Ionization Products in Ion-Atom Collisions" Y. D. Wang, V. D. Rodriguez, C. D. Lin, C. L. Cocke, S. Kravis, M. Abdallah, and R. Dorner Phys. Rev. A 53, 3278 (1996) 47. "Influence of Atomic Excitation Processes on Nuclear Resonance Yield Curves: an ab initio Study" P. Kürpick J. Phys. B 29, L169 (1996) 48. "Zero-Degree Binary Encounter Electron Production in 30 MeV Bare O8+ in Collisions with H2, He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe" T.J.M. Zouros, G. Toth, P. Richard, C. Liao, and S. Hagmann Nucl. Instrum. & Methods 107, 87 (1996) 49. "The Production of High-Duty-Cycle, High-Yield Beams of Highly Charged Ions with an Electron Beam Ion Source" Martin P. Stockli Rev. Sci. Instrum. 67, 892 (1996) 50. "Projectile Charge Dependence of Ionization and Fragmentation of CO in Fast Collisions" Vidhya Krishnamurthi, I. Ben-Itzhak and K. D. Carnes J. Phys. B 29, 287 (1996) 51. "Ionization and Excitation of Hydrogen Molecules by Fast Proton Impact" I. Ben-Itzhak, Vidhya Krishnamurthi, K. D. Carnes, H. Aliabadi, H. Knudsen, U. Mikkelsen and B. D. Esry J. Phys. B 29, L21 (1996) 52. "Stark Beats from Highly Charged Rydberg Ions Created in High-Energy Beam-Foil Collisions" B. D. DePaola, Y. Kanai, P. Richard, Y. Awaya, H. Schone, J. M. Sanders, J. P. Giese and T.J.M. Zouros J. Phys. B 29, 1247 (1996) 53. "Elastic Scattering Model of the Binary Encounter Electrons in Ion-Atom Collisions" C. P. Bhalla and S. R. Grabbe American Institute of Physics Conf. Proceedings 362, "Two-Center Effects in Ion-Atom Collisions," ed. by Timothy J. Gay and Anthony F. Starace (1996) p. 273. 54. "Two-Center Effects in Electron Spectra from Ion-Atom Collisions" Pat Richard American Institute of Physics Conf. Proceedings 362, "Two-Center Effects in Ion-Atom Collisions," ed. by Timothy J. Gay and Anthony F. Starace (1996) p. 69-83. 55. "Analysis of Final-State Momentum Distributions of Ionization Products in Ion-Atom Collisions" Y. D. Wang, V. D. Rodriguez, C. D. Lin, C. L. Cocke, S. Kravis, M. Abdallah, and R. Dorner Phys. Rev. A 53, 3278 (1996) 56. "A Benchmark Calculation for Resonant Electron-Hydrogen Elastic Scattering at Low Energies Y. D. Wang, W. C. Fon, and C. D. Lin J. Phys. B 29, L59 (1996) 57. "Neutralization and Equilibration of Highly Charged Argon Ions at Grazing Incidence on a Graphite Surface" S. Winecki, C. L. Cocke, D. Fry, and M. P. Stockli Phys. Rev. A 53, 4228 (1996) 58. "Mean Lifetime Measurements of HeH2+(2ps) Isotopes" I. Ben-Itzhak, J. P. Bouhnik, B. D. Esry, I. Gertner, O. Heber, and B. Rosner Phys. Rev. A 54, 474 (1996) 59. "On the Connection Between the Longitudinal Recoil-Ion Momentum Distribution and the Electron Doubly Differential Cross Section in Ion-Atom Ionization" Y. D. Wang, Lokesh C. Tribedi, P. Richard, C. L. Cocke, V. D. Rodriguez, and C. D. Lin J. Phys. B 29, L203 (1996) 60. "Single Ionization of He by Low-Velocity Protons and C6+: Ejected Electron Momentum Distributions" S. D. Kravis, M. Abdallah, C. L. Cocke, C. D. Lin, M. Stockli, B. Walch, Y. D. Wang, R. E. Olson, V. D. Rodriguez, W. Wu, M. Pieksma, and N. Watanabe Phys. Rev. A 54, 1394 (1996) 61. "Basic Matrix Elements for Level Shifts and Widths of Hydrogenic Levels in Ion-Surface Interactions" P. Kürpick and U. Thumm Phys. Rev. A 54, 1487 (1996) 62. "Doubly Differential Cross Sections of Low-Energy Electrons Emitted in the Ionization of Molecular Hydrogen by Bare Carbon Ions" Lokesh Tribedi, P. Richard, D. Ling, Y. D. Wang, C. D. Lin, R. Moshammer, G. W. Kearby, III, M. W. Gealy, and M. E. Rudd Phys. Rev. A 54, 2154 (1996) 63. "Fully Differential Cross Sections for Doubly Photoionization of He Measured by Recoil Ion Momentum Spectroscopy" R. Dorner, J. M. Feagin, C. L. Cocke, H. Brauning, O. Jagutzki, M. Jung, E. P. Kanter, H. Khemliche, S. Kravis, V. Mergel, M. H. Prior, H. Schmidt-Böcking, L. Spielberger, J. Ullrich, M. Unversagt, and T. Vogt Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 1024 (1996) 64. "Ionization by the Electron-Electron Interaction in Ion-Atom Collisions" C. L. Cocke and E. C. Montenegro Comments At. Mol. Phys. 32, No. 3, 131 (1996) 65. "Inelastic Scattering of Quasifree Electrons on O7+ Projectiles" G. Toth, S. Grabbe, P. Richard, and C. P. Bhalla Phys. Rev. A 54, R4613 (1996) 66. "Doubly Differential Final-State Momentum Distributions of the Ionization Products in Collision of Bare Ions with Hydrogen" Lokesh C. Tribedi, P. Richard, Y. D. Wang, C. D. Lin, and R. E. Olson Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 3767 (1996) 67. "Hollow Ion Formation and Decay in Slow Bi46+-C60 Collisions" Uwe Thumm Phys. Rev. A 55, 479 (1997) 68. "An ab initio Calculation of Quasimolecular X-rays in Slow Cl16+-Ar Collisions" K. Schulze, J. Anton, W-D Sepp, P. Kurpick, and B. Fricke J. Phys. B 30, L67 (1997) 69. "Projectile Charge-State Dependence of Transfer Ionization to Single Capture Ratio in Collisions of Multiply Charged Ions with He," E. C. Montenegro, K. L. Wong, W. Wu, P. Richard, I. Ben-Itzhak, C. L. Cocke, R. Moshammer, J. P. Giese, Y. D. Wang, and C. D. Lin Phys. Rev. A 55, 2009 (1997) 70. "Radiative and Auger de-excitation of Hollow Argon Atoms," K. R. Karim, S. R. Grabbe, and C. P. Bhalla J. Phys. B 29, 4007 (1996) 71. "Electrostatic Bottle for Long-Time Storage of Fast Ion Beams," D. Zajfman, O. Heber, L. Vejby-Christensen, I. Ben-Itzhak, M. Rappaport, R. Fishman, and M. Dahan Phys. Rev. A 55, R1577 (1997) 72. "Imaging of Saddle Point Electron Emission in Slow p-He Collisions," R. Dörner, H. Khemliche, M. H. Prior, C. L. Cocke, J. A. Gary, R. E. Olson, V. Mergel, J. Ullrich, and H. Schmidt-Böcking Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 4520 (1996) 73. "Ratio of Cross Sections for Double to Single Ionization of He by 85-400 eV Protons," R. Dörner, T. Vogt, V. Mergel, H. Khemliche, S. Kravis, C. L. Cocke, U. Ullrich, M. Unverzaft, L. Spielberger, M. Damrau, O. Jagutzki, I. Ali, B. Weaver, K. Ullmann, C. C. Hsu, M. Jung, E. P. Kanter, B. Sonntag, M. H. Prior, E. Rotenberg, J. Denlinger, T. Warwick, S. T. Manson, and H. Schmidt-Bocking Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 2654 (1996) 74. "Electron-Electron Interaction in the Ionization of O7+ by He," W. Wu, K. L. Wong, E. C. Montenegro, R. Ali, C. Y. Chen, C. L. Cocke, R. Dörner, V. Frohne, J. P. Giese, V. Mergel, W. E. Meyerhof, M. Raphaelian, H. Schmidt-Böcking, and B. Walch Phys. Rev. A 55, 2771 (1997) MANUSCRIPTS ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION 1. "Close-Coupling Calculations for Ion-Surface Interactions," P. Kürpick, U. Thumm, and U. Wille Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. B (1997) 2. "Resonance Formation of Hydrogenic Levels in Front of Metal Surfaces," P. Kürpick, U. Thumm, and U. Wille Phys. Rev. A (1997) 3. "Energy Loss of Highly Charged Argon Ions at Grazing Incidence on a Graphite Surface," S. Winecki, M. P. Stockli, and C. L. Cocke Phys. Rev. A (1997) 4. "Rapid Neutralization and Charge Equilibration of Highly Charged Ions at Grazing Incidence on a Surface," S. Winecki, M. P. Stockli and C. L. Cocke Phys. Rev. A (1997) 5. "Production, Operation and Status of the KSU CRYEBIS Facility," M. P. Stockli, R. M. Ali, C. L. Cocke, S. Cowherd, D. Fry, P. E. Gibson, S. Lampenscherf, R. A. Mack, D. C. Parks, M.L.A. Raphaelian, L. Rebohle, N. Renard, P. Richard, T. N. Tipping, T. Werner, J. Werrick, S. Winecki, and W. Wu Physica Scripta (1997) 6. "Velocity Space "Snapshots" of Continuum Electrons Produced by Slow, Bare, Highly Charged Ions: Saddle-Point Electrons," M. Abdallah, S. Kravis, C. L. Cocke, Y. D. Wang, M. Stöckli, and R. E. Olson Proceedings of 8th Highly Charged Ions Conference (Omiya, Japan, 1996) Physica Scripta (1997) 7. "Highly Charged Ion-Molecule Collisions," I. Ben-Itzhak, E. Wells, K. D. Carnes, and Vidhya Krishnamurthi Physics Scripta (1997) 8. "Electron Capture and Fragmentation in Ar11+ + CO Collisions," I. Ben-Itzhak, E. Wells, M. P. Stockli, H. Tawara, and K. D. Carnes Physica Scripta (1997) 9. "Projectile Charge Dependence of Ionization and Dissociation of CO in Fast Collisions," Vidhya Krishnamurthi, I. Ben-Itzhak, and K. D. Carnes AIP (1997) 10. "Charge Dependence of One and Two Electron Processes in Collisions Between Hydrogen Molecules and Fast Projectiles," AIP (1997) 11. "Comparison of Single-Ionization of Hydrogen Molecules to that of Helium in Collisions with Fast Protons," E. Wells, D. Studanski, I. Ben-Itzhak, and K. D. Carnes AIP (1997) 12. "An Experimental Method for Evaluating the H2 and D2 Contamination Levels in a HD Bottle," I. Ben-Itzhak, E. Wells, Vidhya Krishnamurthi, K. D. Carnes, H. Aliabadi, U. Mikkelsen, O. L. Weaver, and B. D. Esry Nucl. Instrum. & Methods B (1997) 13. "Mean Lifetime Measurements and Calculations of Long-Lived HeNe2+ Isotopes," I. Ben-itzhak, J. P. Bouhnik, Z. Chen, B. D. Esry, I. Gertner, C. Heinemann, W. Koch, C. D. Lin, and B. Rosner Phys. Rev. A (1997) 14. "Secondary Ion Enhancement in Slow Highly Charged Heavy Ion Bombardment," M. Terasawa, T. Sckioka, T. Mitamura, S. Winecki, M. Stöckli, and C. L. Cocke Physica Scripta (1997)
Last updated on Friday, 12-Aug-2005. |
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