Chien-Nan Liu1, Ming-Keh Chen
1) Department of Physics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA
Helium is the prototype system for the study of
electron correlation. Manifestations of doubly excited
states as resonances in the photoionization spectra
have been studied extensively in the last few decades.
Most of the previous theoretical and experimental
studies of helium doubly excited states assume that
Auger process dominates the decay mechanism. However,
continuing progress in synchrotron light sources
in the last few years has now offered experimentalists
the opportunity to examine the radiative decays of the
helium doubly excited states1-4.
We present a theoretical study for the radiative decay
of the low-lying doubly excited 1Po
states of helium below the He+(N=2) threshold.
From the calculated Auger and radiative decay rates, the
natural widths of these states are obtained. By following
the radiative decay branches of individual doubly
excited states, including all the cascade transitions,
we derive the expected VUV photon yields and the
metastable atom yields in the fluorescence spectra.
These data serve to compare with the recent experimental
The radiative decay rate of individual doubly excited
states reflects the importance of configuration
mixing. Neglected by most prior studies, radiative
decay is shown to be more important than autoionization
in the decay mechanism of some doubly excited states.
Among the low lying states, the
series decays predominantly via radiative channels,
while Auger process dominates the decay of
series. With increasing brightness available from synchrotron
radiation sources, it is becoming
possible to examine the radiative branch of the decay
of doubly excited states of helium. These data for radiative
decay rates would provide critical information
on those doubly excited states which have so far been
neglected both theoretically and experimentally.
This work was supported by the
Chemical Sciences, Geosciences and Biosciences Division,
MKC was supported by National Science Council Grant No. NSC-870-0212-M-005-006.
Submitted to ICPEAC 2001, July 2001 in Santa Fe, NM.
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2) Department of Physics, National Chung-Hsin University, Taichung, TAIWAN
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Office of Basic Energy Sciences,
Office of Science,
U.S. Department of Energy.