JR Macdonald Laboratory 2000 Summer Short Course: Introduction to Vacuum Physics and Technology: ---------------------------------------------- Problem 4.1) Problem 3.1 predicted a H2 fore line pressure of400 mTorr or 54 mTorr depending on the fore line pump. What pressures are you expecting to read on the TC gauge? Problem 4.2) A resistance heated nude Bayard-Alpert ion gauge has an sensitivity of 10/Torr and an X-ray limit of 4*10^-10 Torr. Being controlled with a controller for electron bombardment degaussed ion gauges (S=25/Torr) it reads a pressure 5.0x10^-10 Torr in a system which is mostly Hydrogen. What is the most likely pressure? Problem 4.3) Calculate the fraction of hydrogen, water, nitrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide from the RGA scans in the hand out.