Optical Parametric Amplifier
(Laser Lab)

Zenghu Chang's group uses the optical parametric amplifier experiment in the Laser Lab.


Optical Parametric Amplifier

The OPA converts the one fundamental wavelength from the source laser into a tunable spectrum of long wavelengths. The input 800 nm, 4 mJ pulses from the Ti:Sapphire laser can be converted to an output of 1.1 - 1.6 μm at about 0.5 mJ. This feature allows more convenient exploration of high-harmonic generation and ionization physics.


Optical Parametric Amplifier

Recent Publications from this Experiment:

  • "Tunable high harmonic generation with an optical parametric amplifier"
    B. Shan, A. Cavalieri, Z. Chang
    Appl. Phys. B 74, s23-s26 (2002).

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Last updated on Friday, 10-Feb-2006.