Linac Beamline LB1
(Linac Vault)

Linac beamline LB1 is the first, or 15° beam port off the second Linac switching magnet.
The Zouros group from the University of Crete has one experiment mounted to this beamline.


Hemispherical Auger Spectrograph

The hemispherical zero-degree Auger spectrograph is used for the study of electron emission from projectiles in ion-atom collisions. A complete decription is available from the Zouros group's home web site.

The line is also equipped with a magnetic quadrupole doublet lens and two sets of magnetic steerers.


Linac LB1 Beamline

Recent Publications from this Beamline:

  • The hemispherical deflector analyzer revisited: I. Motion in the ideal 1/r potential, generalized entry conditions, Kepler orbits and spectrometer basic equation
    T.J.M. Zouros and E. P. Benis
    J. Electr. Spectr., 125, 221-248 (2002)
  • Triple electron capture in fast 0.5-1.1 MeV/u C6+ on Ar collisions
    M. Zamkov, E. P. Benis, P. Richard, T. G. Lee, and T. J. M. Zouros
    Phys. Rev. A 66, 042714 (2002)
  • Technique for the determination of the 1s2s 3S metastable fraction in two-electron ion beams
    E. P. Benis, M. Zamkov, P. Richard, and T. J. M. Zouros
    Phys. Rev. A 65, 064701 (2002)
  • Fraction of metastable 1s2s 3S ions in fast He-like beams (Z = 5-9) produced in collisions with carbon foils
    M. Zamkov, E. P. Benis, P. Richard, and T. J. M. Zouros
    Phys. Rev. A 65, 062706 (2002)
  • Absolute cross sections and decay rates for the triply excited B2+(2s2p2 2D) resonance in electron-metastable-ion collisions
    M. Zamkov, H. Aliabadi, E. P. Benis, P. Richard, H. Tawara, and T. J. M. Zouros
    Phys. Rev. A 65, 032705 (2002)

View the Linac LA1, LA2, LA3, RA1, LB1, or RB1,
or the main beamline map.
Last updated on Friday, 19-Aug-2005.