ECR Laser-Ion Facility

The ECR, Cryebis and various stand-alone sources comprise
the LEICF, found in the source area of the "new" lab.


Laser-Ion Interactions Facility

The Electron-Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) ion source, part of the Low Energy Ion Collision Facility (LEICF), includes an ultra-high vacuum crossed-beams facility. Originally developed for ion-ion collicions, this experiment station can now be used with the Kansas State Light Source to do photon-ion collisions.

The Ben-Itzhak group is now doing experiments here.


Tandem L2 Beamline

Recent Publications from this Beamline:

  • This is a brand new experiment.

View the ECR Ion-Ion, Laser-Ion, or CSU experiment stations,
the Cryebis OPIG, Atomic H, or CSU stations,
or the main beamline map.
Last updated on Friday, 19-Aug-2005.