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Family 1 : Joseph Bryan SR.
  1. +Martha BRYAN
  2.  Rebecca BRYAN

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[494] There is considerable confusion over the identity of Joseph Bryan's first wife,
the surname of his second, and over the proper maternity of his children. Some
sources suggest the first wife was a Hester Simpson, others Hester Hampden.
No substantive evidence or persuasive argument seems to exist. For purely
bookkeeping purposes I have chosen to list "Hester" as the mother of Rebecca
and Martha Bryan, as that seems to be the traditional, if not the correct, answer.

"The Boone Family; a Genealogical History"
Hazel Atterbury Spraker
Rutland, VT, 1922
(Reprinted, Genealogical Publishing, Baltimore, MD. 1974)
p508: "Joseph Bryan Sr, d. abt., 1805; m. (1) -----; and (2) Alee ----- (d. it is thought prior
to 1805). Of the first wife nothing is known, only that Joseph Bryan Jr., was her child."

"The Shearer-Akers Family Combined with the Bryan Line"
James William Shearer
Somerville, NJ, 1915
p12: "Morgan Bryan 2nd. d. 1763, m. Martha Strode. To present Davie co., N.C., about 1748.
with all his children, but Jos.
1) Joseph, m. Hester Hampden. Remained in Va."

[492] [S13] Br©iderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #3979, Date of Import: Apr 18, 1998

[493] [S13] Br©iderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #3979, Date of Import: Apr 18, 1998

[666] [S13] Br©iderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #3979, Date of Import: Apr 18, 1998

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