This is a tutorial for our Linux-based SpecTcl data acquisition system.
It is also available in MS Word and Adobe Acrobat formats.
Please direct questions to Kevin Carnes.
Kevin Carnes
July 2012
Connecting to Sorting Computers and LINUX basics
Currently we have six LINUX machines that will be available for offline sorting: auger, balmer, fourier, oppy, stern, and stark. These are all “headless” rack PC’s in CW31 that can only be accessed remotely via puTTY or Private Shell. These can be accessed from the start menu on your PC. If they are not there, see the guys in PCSC. PuTTY first dumps you into a Configuration screen. You can configure sessions to different computers and Save them for later recall with the Load key (they will show up under the scrolled selection box under Saved Sessions). The three most important settings to check are that The Backspace key is set for Control-?(127) under the Terminal->Keyboard section, the Enable X11 Forwarding box is checked in the Connection->SSH->X11 section, and the Host Name of the machine you want to connect to is entered (e.g. These settings can be saved by clicking on the Session menu inside the puTTY window, then typing a name in the Saved Sessions box to match the name (e.g. balmer) in the Host Name box, then clicking on the Save button. Private Shell also begins in a “Log in – Server parameters” screen that lets you recall saved setups or create new ones. Here, you mainly want to check that the “Forward remote X11 connections to local display” box is checked in the Tunneling menu. For X windows to work correctly, the Xming X server must be running on your machine. This should have happened automatically when you logged in, as indicated by a black X in the lower right system tray of your status bar at the bottom of the screen. If it’s not there, see PCSC.
To sort, you should log into one of the above machines as ##online, where ## is replaced by the initials of your group leader (lc, ib, vk, ct, mk, ar, or bd for now). All people in each group should log in using the same ##online account and password, set by the group. Once logged in, you are on a LINUX box, so Microsoft Windows commands no longer work. LINUX is case sensitive, so don’t forget that. If you want to be able to open several windows without logging in again, do a
konsole &
This will run the konsole terminal program in the background, and clicking New Shell in the Session menu will give you another terminal session. You can switch between sessions with the tabs at the bottom of the window. Private Shell will let you open other windows with the Terminal button. (Note that the ampersand (&) at the end of any LINUX command means to run in the background and return control to the prompt. Otherwise, you can’t do anything else in that window until the program you are running is finished.) To change directories, do a
cd ~/lcgroup/dray
for example. (The tilde (~) translates to the home directory of the user logged in, in this case lconline. Note that each group has a directory defined as ##group, where ## are the same group initials used in the ##online login name. All files under this ##group directory are located on the departmental networked SANS and are backed up regularly by PCSC. Anything above the ##group directories, say in a directory ~ibonline/mydir, is on the local LINUX machine and not backed up.
To create a directory, use the command mkdir. For example, to create the directory mydir under Itzik’s SANS group directory, use
mkdir ~/ibgroup/mydir
To copy a file to mydir from another directory called olddir, use:
cd ~/ibgroup/mydir
cp ~/ibgroup/olddir/oldfile.txt .
(That’s a _space_ period at the end, important. The period means the current directory in LINUX.)
This will put the file oldfile.txt in mydir, using the same name. To copy a directory and all of its files to another directory, use the following:
cp –r ~/ibgroup/olddir/fildir ~/ibgroup/mydir
This will create the directory ~/ibgroup/mydir/fildir containing all of the files the ~/ibgroup/olddir/fildir contained.
A few other useful LINUX commands are:
List the contents of a directory:
ls (add -l to see more details, add *.xxx to see files of that form)
Move a file
mv location/filename newlocation/newfilename
Remove (i.e. delete) a file
rm location/
See the full documentation for a command:
info command (use 'Ctrl'-c to exit)
Get a man page (help documentation) for a command, sometimes shorter than info
man command
Search text files for a word
grep word filenam (use -i for non-case sensitive, add *.XXX to search files of that form)
See the contents of a file one page at a time
more (this will type the file on screen; press the spacebar for the next page)
The above commands allow you to manipulate files with the command line. Many prefer to do so graphically, as in Windows Explorer. A good tool for this is the Web Browser/File Manager Konqueror. To run, type:
konqueror ~ &
on the command line. The tilde (~) will start konqueror looking at the ##online directory. You can replace it with any starting path that you wish, such as ~/lcgroup.
TCL (Command language) Files
You will notice that you have several *.tcl files in your sorting directory. These are Tcl/Tk command language files, analogous to the old *.com parameter files on the VAX. Tcl (pronounced “tickle”) is an open source scripting language that is widely used. Tk is the graphical user interface toolkit for Tcl. Lots of online resources and published books can help you be as productive in this language as you wish, but for now we’ll just focus on the SpecTcl specific parts. One important Tcl file is usually called setup.tcl. This is where your parameters and spectra are defined and other setup tasks performed. SpecTcl must have a parameter defined for every entity you want to histogram. A spectrum is then associated with that parameter. If you have a 2D spectrum, you must define two parameters, one for the x axis and one for the y. As an example, consider the following two lines from a setup.tcl file.
parameter adc8 108 12
spectrum adc8 1 adc8 12
The first line defines a parameter called adc8. Each parameter must be assigned a number, and this one is assigned number 108. This number will be used inside the sorting code to actually increment the parameter. This parameter is set up to hold numbers up to 12 bits in length, or 4096, i.e. a 4096 channel spectrum. The next line defines a spectrum that displays the histogram of the variable. The first adc8 is the name of the spectrum (it’s fine to use the same name for both parameter and spectrum). The 1 means it’s a 1D spectrum. The second adc8 is the parameter that the spectrum is histogramming, and the 12 means it, too, is 4096 channels. It is also possible to define parameters and spectra with real ranges, such as:
parameter rtof4 223
spectrum rtof4 1 rtof4 {{0. 3000. 1000}}
Here, parameter 223, called rtof4, will be histogrammed by a spectrum with a real range, and so it doesn’t need a range value. The spectrum range definition is more complicated: It runs from channel 0. to channel 3000. and has 1000 bins. Note the double braces, required for the definition.
2D spectra can also be defined, for example:
parameter pipicox 240
parameter pipicoy 241
spectrum pipico 2 {pipicox pipicoy} {{0. 2000. 400} {0. 2000. 400}}
Note that I have to define a parameter for both the x and y variables. By comparing to the 1D definitions, this should be self-explanatory.
NOTE: the rules on names you can use are very lenient. There is no reason (other than typing) to use short parameter names or to have the same spectrum name as parameter name. For example, this would be perfectly acceptable:
parameter 2nd_recoil_time_of_flight 240
parameter 1st_recoil_time_of_flight 241
spectrum tof_coincidence 2 {2nd_recoil_time_of_flight 1st_recoil_time_of_flight) {{0. 2000. 400} {0. 2000. 400}}
It is also fine to use the same parameter for several spectra, as long as the parameter ranges are the same in each.
The spectra defined in setup.tcl are not automatically available for plotting. The command
sbind spectrumname
will assign a display slot in the display program (called Xamine) to the new spectrum named spectrumname. You can also define a series of spectra and then issue one
sbind –all
command at the end. This is typically what’s done in setup.tcl.
*.tcl files can also be used to set other variables that can be used inside the sorting code. This is as an alternative to using constants in the sorting code itself and rebuilding the code each time a change is made. If only a few parameters need to be set, they can be incorporated into the setup.tcl file. If there are numerous parameters, it is often more convenient to create a separate parameter file and read it in before sorting. (How this is done will be described below).
C++ Tips
All of the sorting code itself is written in C++. In many ways, C++ is very similar to the C language, but with some extensions, the biggest being the concept of Object Oriented (OO) programming: classes, hierarchies, inheritance, etc. Fortunately, you don’t need to understand much about OO to modify and even write successful sorting code. If you know only Fortran, here are a few tips (in no particular order) to remember about C++:
for(int i = 0;i < imax;i++) {
The variable i is only defined for the duration of the loop, so it must be defined as an int and initialized. The loop starts with i = 0 and stops when i is greater than or equal to imax. i is incremented by 1 for each iteration. The braces aren’t necessary if there is only a single statement in the if block. A similar loop is the while loop, which continues to execute the loop as long as the condition in the while statement is true. For example,
while (*pl != 0x0000C0FF) { // Execute as long as the value at pointer
// location pl is not equal to Hexadecimal 0000C0FF.
evarr[evCount] = *pl++; // Copy the value of the variable pointed to by pl
// into array evarr, then increment pointer to point to next item in buffer.
evCount++; // Increment event counter.
class CLVEventDecoder : public CEventProcessor
void Resort(int arg1, int arg2);
defines the class CLVEventDecoder, which is based on the class CEventProcessor, and declares one of its routines Resort. Then, when the routines are actually defined, usually in the *.cpp file, they are referred to by the form: classname::routine, such as CLVEventDecoder::Resort(int arg1, int arg2). This means that the routine Resort is part of the class CLVEventDecoder.
CLVEventDecoder::CLVEventDecoder() :
where the private data variables m_nEventCount and m_nGoodCount are both initialized to 0.
Remember, C++ is a very powerful language, just like Fortran, and it will take a lot of work to master it. However, these few tips will hopefully answer many of the questions that come to mind when looking at C++ source code for the first time.
SpecTcl Sorting Code Logic
SpecTcl sorting code must conform to the structure that SpecTcl requires. The first step in understanding that structure is to look at the sorting class subroutines that have special meaning. If the class name is CLVEventDecoder, for example, these routines are CLVEventDecoder::OnAttach, CLVEventDecoder::OnBegin, CLVEventDecoder::OnEnd, and CLVEventDecoder::operator(). Commands included in the OnAttach routine are run when SpecTcl starts up for the first time. OnBegin commands are run at the beginning of each run, assuming that the data buffer has a begin event. OnEnd is after an end run event. These should be relatively self-explanatory, but the operator() routine is the most non-intuitive from a Fortran point of view. C++ allows something called operator overloading, which is basically re-defining a standard operator to mean something else. In this case, the parentheses operator (), when used with the CLVEventDecoder class, is defined to carry out the commands in the operator() code (between the { and }). This use is actually something you will never see, as it is buried deep in the support code for SpecTcl. However, you only need to know that what happens in the operator() routine is the code that gets executed for each event. This is where the bulk of the sorting actually takes place. Other subroutines can be defined and called by the user from the basic SpecTcl routines, usually operator().
SpecTcl parameters are histogrammed in two ways, depending on if the parameter is to be incremented only once per event or multiple times per event. The first case is much easier, only requiring a line such as:
rEvent[208] = xr2;
which increments parameter 208 at position xr2 by 1. (Remember, the parameter is what is processed; the spectra are histograms of the parameter). This is different from other systems like ROOT where a histogram increment is explicitly done. It also means that there is no simple mechanism to do multiple increments on a parameter in a single event, such as incrementing a time-of-flight spectrum parameter with all time hits. This requires manipulating the spectrum itself and involves a lot of code overhead. It looks daunting, but the basic format can be used for all multiple-increment spectra. Let’s consider a multiple TOF spectrum. The first step is to make the spectrum part of the private class data with the line:
CSpectrum* m_prtofall;
in the class definition in the header file. CSpectrum* means that m_prtofall is a pointer to the class CSpectrum. The pointer is initialized to 0 in the event decoder constructor just like any other variable, with m_prtofall(0). Next, the actual spectrum has to be found for m_prtofall to point to.
string strrtofall = "rtofall"; // Define a string variable to hold the spectrumname
m_prtofall = pHistogrammer->FindSpectrum(strrtofall); // Use the FindSpectrum
// subroutine in the class pointed to by pHistogrammer to find the spectrum named
// rtofall. If found, m_prtofall will now point to the spectrum.
if(m_prtofall){ // Make sure it found the spectrum, i.e. m_prtofall isn’t 0.
if(m_prtofall->getSpectrumType() != ke1D) { // Make sure it’s a 1D spectrum.
cerr << "Found "<<strrtofall<< " but it's not 1-D\n"; // If not print error and
m_prtofall = (CSpectrum*)kpNULL; // reset pointer to 0 (Null).
Finally, the spectrum is incremented as follows:
for(int i = 0;i<nrec;i++) { // Here, loop through several hits in this event
if(m_prtofall) { // rtofall spectrum (make sure it has been properly found)
newIndex = (UInt_t)(m_prtofall->ParameterToAxis(0,rtof[i])); // Since this spectrum
// was defined with a real axis, an axis transformation is necessary, using the value rtof[i].
if(newIndex < m_prtofall->Dimension(0)){ // Check to make sure the channel
// isn’t out of range by checking against the spectrum’s dimension.
newValue = (*m_prtofall)[&newIndex] + 1; // Increment the value currently
// at that channel. Note that the definition of the spectrum requires the address of the
// index (channel), as &newIndex.
m_prtofall->set(&newIndex,newValue); // Actually set that channel’s value.
The same technique works for 2D spectra with minor changes to account for the second dimension. I have created functions called MultiPlot1d and MultiPlot2d to do these multiple increments. Note, however, that this method of multi-incrementing essentially bypasses some of the benefits of SpecTcl, such as being able to use real numbers (including negative numbers) on the axes of spectra, and having access to the built-in gating commands. Other methods are available to do this within the SpecTcl context. See me for further information.
Often, variables that are seldom changed, such as physical constants or the size of a channel plate, are initialized in a header file with the word Constants somewhere in the name, such as CLVConstants.h or C1290Constants.h. Should changes be necessary, it’s easier to locate the variables when collected in one place, change them, then rebuild the code. It is also possible to initialize some of these variables in a Tcl file so that the sorting code doesn’t need to be rebuilt each time a change is made to a “constant”. Please see me for information on how to do this, as it is beyond the scope of this description.
Building and Running the Sorting Code
Now, on to compiling, linking, and running the sorting code. In what follows, I’m assuming your current directory is the same as that where your sorting code resides, for example, ~/ibgroup/Xlasersort/SpecTcl. Once inside a sorting directory, you make sure that the executable file is up-to-date via the commands (in one of your regular Linux terminal windows, such as a konsole window)
make clean
The first command deletes all of the old compiled and linked files and is not strictly necessary if the make dependencies have been properly configured. However, it’s safest to use it initially until you become more comfortable with the procedure. The second command recompiles and links the code. The result is that you will have a file called SpecTcl that is the executable used to run the program. By the way, a nice feature of the shell used on our LINUX box is command completion. If you type enough of a command or filename to clearly identify it from other possibilities, hitting the Tab key will complete the command/name for you. The rules used by the make command are found in a file called Makefile in the directory you are in. This is a very powerful file that makes compiling and linking up-to-date code much simpler, but learning how to modify the file will take some time. Usually, you shouldn’t need to touch it.
To run the sorting code for the first time, from your sorting directory, type:
./SpecTcl < setup.tcl
(Note, for some groups, a parameter file needs to be read in before setup.tcl)
The ./ means look for the SpecTcl program in the current directory. The < is LINUX redirection, meaning to read in the file that follows. You should see four X objects pop up on your screen (some of them may be hidden, so look below on your taskbar in the X section to bring them forward if necessary). These are the gui window, the tkcon window, the Xamine window, and the SpecTcl command buttons window. The Xamine window is where you will look at and manipulate spectra, the tkcon window is where all commands will be typed, the gui window allows you to get spectrum and parameter information and execute some commands via a gui menu, and the SpecTcl command buttons are for frequently used commands. The most common commands to execute are as follows:
source rerun1000.tcl
attach -size 204816 -file /common/lcgroup/data/datfil
where 204816 is the size of the buffer in bytes. To combine several data files into one sort, the following will work:
attach -size 204816 -pipe cat /common/lcgroup/data/datfil1
This takes advantage of a “pipe” in Linux that hooks up the output of one command, cat in this case, to the input of another, here the attach command. If desired, all of this can be put in a separate command file and sourced in from the tkcon window or even placed at the end of the setup.tcl file.
acc4600 HP4600 color printer in lab, single side
acc4600d “ “, duplex
accebis EBIS b&w printer
acchplj8150 HP8150 b&w printer in lab, single side
acchplj8150d “ “, duplex
co349000 HP9000 b&w printer in CW34, single side
co349000d “ “, duplex
c034c4600 HP4600 color printer in CW34, single side
c034c4600d “ “, duplex
c034dell5310 Dell b&w printer in CW34, single side
c034dell5310d “ “, duplex
c305lj4000 HPLJ4000 b&w printer in CW305, single side only
Xproject sourcename ylow yhigh targetname
Yproject sourcename xlow xhigh targetname
The sourcename is an existing 2D spectrum and targetname is an existing 1D spectrum, which you must define in your setup.tcl file. For example, the lines
parameter proj256 1256 8
spectrum proj256 1 proj256 8
define a 256 channel 1D spectrum to histogram parameter 1256. The low and high values are the channels limits to include in the projection sum. There are no default values, so these limits must be included. The spectra created with this command are static pictures (snapshots) of the source spectra at the time the command is run. The projection spectra do not accumulate new counts if the sort is continued.
The newest version of SpecTcl as of this writing (SpecTcl 3.3) has a built in projection command. Its format is:
project [-[no]snapshot] sourcespec newspec x|y [contourname]
where you choose “x” or “y” depending on which direction you wish to project. The snapshot option works like our homemade X or Yproject commands. -nosnapshot creates a spectrum that is incremented when the sort is continued, or even cleared and restarted. Here, sourcespec is an existing 2D spectrum and newspec is the name of a new, nonexistent 1D spectrum. Instead of manual channel limits, an optional contourname can be given to limit the number of channels included in the projection. A contour can be set by clicking on a 2D spectrum, clicking the Contour button, and then clicking a series of points on the spectrum to form a contour, closed by the OK button. You have the option of giving the contour a name or using the default name provided. If you forget the name of a contour, you can click on the Graph_objects pull down menu at the top of the Xamine screen and select Copy Object, which will give a list of graphical objects defined for that spectrum. If a contourname is omitted, all channels along one axis of the spectrum will be summed for the projection. Before displaying the newly created projection spectrum, you have to issue the command sbind –all in the tkcon window to let Xamine know that the spectrum exists.
Help and Additional Capabilities
Aside from this document, help for SpecTcl can be found at the following URL:
This was written by SpecTcl’s author, Ron Fox, at the Cyclotron Lab at Michigan State University. All of the built-in SpecTcl commands listed in this document are explained there in greater detail.
Clearly, Xamine is not perfect as a spectrum display program. In particular, the spectra aren’t publication quality. However, the author of the code is continually upgrading it and seems responsive to suggestions. It is also a very easy thing to export spectra and read them into Origin where they can be prepared for publication. Also, event files can be exported in a format that can be read in by the CERN program ROOT (a successor to PAW). ROOT is a powerful package that has numerous built-in analysis tools as well as superior graphics.
As experiments are becoming increasingly complex, event files are growing larger and the associated sorting time is increasing. For some experiments, many of the events fail to satisfy some basic conditions and can be ignored. In that case, further sorting on a given run can be greatly speeded up by writing out a filtered data set and then performing subsequent sorting on the filtered data. Typically, the filtered data file is much smaller than the original and can be much quicker to sort.
For information on these additional capabilities or if you have further questions, please contact Kevin Carnes,
Last updated on Monday, 25-Mar-2013