FLAME, the Femtosecond LAser for Multicolor Experiments, was acquired from Coherent in October 2020. It is effectively a turnkey system, composed of well-established laser components. FLAME is customized for several pump-probe experiments described in the proposal, where half of the beam is used to drive a wavelength-tunable OPA (with a current focus on the UV domain), and the other half is used for probing, either directly using the 800-nm output or driving an HHG-based source.
The specifications of FLAME are as follows:
- Repetition rate: 3 KHz
- Center wavelength: 805 nm
- Pulse duration: 25 fs
- Pulse energy: 5mJ total output, 2.5 mJ + 2.5 mJ split between internal directed to TOPAS and external.
- OPA output: 1-10 ?J between 190 and 470 nm; 50-120 ?J between 480 and 740 nm; 50-350 ?J between 1200 and 2300 nm.